What is the latest good film you watched ?

Surprisingly funny... dirty as fuck... and there's tits as well (admittedly, only for a few seconds, but still).

Cockneys vs Zombies.

It does what it says on the tin you muppets!. Oh and it has the sexy Georgia King in it too. If ever a woman had a nice set of blowjob lips it's Georgia!.
The Haunted World of El Superbeasto :thumbsup:


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
"Mel Brook's Blazing Saddles",1974, Warner Brothers.

In my top 25, and partialy written by Richard Pryor. (wow) with
Harvey Korman (love his sniviling) "Legs,Lili,Legs legs,legs".
With (RIP) Alex Karas "Mongo just pawn in game of life", Gene Wilder,Clevon Little, and Slim Pickens

in the performance of his carer.

I still don't get Mel's facination with German Military Uniforms but other than minor quibble
I fuckin Love this film.

The Last Man on Earth.

The only version that is close to being faithful to the book I am Legend. It's still not perfect in terms of being close to the book. But it is a damn sight more faithful than The Omega Man and I am Legend will ever be. I am Legend is just a remake of The Omega Man and not another attempt at porting the book to movie.

Return Of The Living Dead.

Watch your tongue boy, if you like this job!.


Official Checked Star Member
Prometheus and I loved it =)