What is the latest good film you watched ?

Two cases of "actually pretty", cause TLAM was actually pretty funny and ALVH was actually pretty cool.

http://i44.**********/big/2012/1014/63/24239920086fe717e8c4ffa6ba861163.jpg http://i44.**********/big/2012/1014/6c/cd8e952cb463e4a600d4587b1277cf6c.jpg


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Prometheus and The Raven.

Killer B

I Like Big Tits! (song by Joe Walsh)
End of Watch. :thumbsup: One of the best cop dramas I've seen.
Horror Express.

Starring Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. Old school horror movie set onboard a train ride on the Trans-Siberian Express... to hell.