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Great film. The best scene is when a group of men ties Belle De Jour to a tree, then throw mud at her...Belle De Jour is instantly aroused.

There is no best film,
Yes there is,and it's called Fight Club,though this thread isn't about what's THE best film,rather what's a good one that you've watched lately.
The Lord of the Rings series
Finally saw "Paranormal Entity." I'm a sucker for the "shaky cam" movies, so this one was a slamdunk for me. Admittedly, it was a "Paranormal Activity" knockoff, but it still did some things well, and the creepy factor was high -- even better, "PE" had the stunningly hot Erin Marie Hogan!! :iloveyou: And her smoldering eyes. And her breasts, those lush, beautiful, perfect breasts ... :boobies: :rubbel: :drool2: