What is the latest good film you watched ?

threat level midnight
Actually the only two movies I've seen in the theater as of late were Thor and Super 8. I enjoyed Super 8 but Thor really surprised me. My friend had to drag me to it and I'm glad I went. I really liked it


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The Return of The King.
Inception. Apparently, the third time IS the charm; it actually started making sense this time. :thumbsup:


Closed Account
MST3K- Bride of the Monster

Well, technically it's a t.v show which rips on bad movies, but the movie would have been fun to watch even without the commentary.It's an Ed Wood flick with Bela Lugosi starring as the mad scientist who is hitched to a big bald henchman who can only utter a few words, but is incredibly strong..Also, there is a monster, supposed to be the Loch Ness monster but it's actually a giant octopus.Basically, I made it into a drinking game to see how many scenes were edited into the movie like Plan 9, but man, there were a lot of them!

This week best
The Orphan
Tears of the Sun
The Blair Witch Project

Just completed
The Amityville Horror

Next 2 Watch
Source Code
Sucker Punch
Cannibal Holocaust
This week best
The Orphan
Tears of the Sun
The Blair Witch Project

Just completed
The Amityville Horror

Next 2 Watch
Source Code
Sucker Punch
Cannibal Holocaust

most of these films aren't that good except for The Orphan and Source Code
dont bother with Sucker Punch its a waste of time