"Inception" (2010)
The last 10-15 Minutes with the "JamesBond-wannabe-action-stuff" in the snow where a little bit exaggerated for my taste, but it´s still a cool movie with a very cool idea.
"Moon" (2009)
Reminded me of "Gattaca" (1997), "Silent Running" (1972), "Logan´s Run" (1976), "Blade Runner" (1982) and "Soylent Green" (1973) ALL together ...somehow. Maybe the dystopian background... :dunno:
"Moon" is not that exciting, but at least nice to watch alone in a nightshift and a nice story for reflection. This movie caused me to watch "Silent Running" again. Have not seen it for at least 15 years. Maybe some politicians should remember and watch this film too ...and ALL the others I just mentioned before...