What is the latest good film you watched ?

The New Statesman seasons one two three and four.

I have just started season three now. A brilliant taking the piss out of the Conservative political party in the UK sitcom. Once again there is no thread for "what TV show you have just watched" so it is getting chucked in here.
John Carpenter's The Fog

Masuimi Max

Official Checked Star Member
Perfume-The Story Of A Murderer. I actually got to got to the park in Barcelona where they filmed the orgy scene!

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Good or great?

If great, then these in descending order:

1. Winter's Bone
2. Valhalla Rising
3. Anti-Christ
Good or great?

If great, then these in descending order:

1. Winter's Bone
2. Valhalla Rising
3. Anti-Christ

Valhalla Rising was shot in some locations near to where I live. South West Scotland. It was a weird movie I though. I liked it though. The tension was good.