What is the latest good film you watched ?

I saw Exit Through the Gift Shop, i have to say that's one of my top favorites now


Why save the world, when you can rule it?

great film

Prince of Persia

What's it like? I wanna see it... .And predators. And inception

I like that. The one with Brosnan is prolly my fav version

I just watched Pan's Labyrinth for the first time ever. It was a good movie, but in my opinion far from the masterpiece everyone says it was.

Good film
Just saw "Trade". Not the best movie ever but it was pretty ok. Displays a very sad truth though.
Outlander 2008 with Jim Caviezel.

You know,for as cheap as that movie was made,I thought that the effects were pretty decent and it was actually a pretty good movie.

I'm gonna go see Predators tomorrow,keeping my fingers crossed that it's good.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
You know,for as cheap as that movie was made,I thought that the effects were pretty decent and it was actually a pretty good movie.

I'm gonna go see Predators tomorrow,keeping my fingers crossed that it's good.

Yeah thank God they didn't skimp on the effects. It would have made a good idea a complete disaster.
I just discovered Rota 9.

If you like watching the Russkies fight our old allies the mujahedin this one is pretty cool. I didn't get any English version but that matters not when so many AK74s are poppin off...great battle scenes(although the dreaded, unrealistic Hollywood fireballs appear all too often)
Defendor - This odd comedy/drama has Woody Harrelson playing a vigilante/super hero.
I wasnt sure if I was going to like it when I started watching, but I enjoyed it as the movie went on.
Defendor - This odd comedy/drama has Woody Harrelson playing a vigilante/super hero.
I wasnt sure if I was going to like it when I started watching, but I enjoyed it as the movie went on.

Yeah, I know what you're talking about. It's similar to "Kick-ass", but I think it's way better. Had a pretty decent ending. :thumbsup:
Just saw Predators today.It was just *meh*.Not too bad,not very memorable,just *meh*.Pretty much everything about this movie is clichéd and totally predictable.To be honest,I really wasn't expecting much,and low and behold,I didn't get much either.