What is the latest good film you watched ?

IMO, Infernal Affairs is the better film (The Departed was based off Infernal Affairs), but both are good quality films.

I enjoy both on different levels. Infernal Affairs is a very well done Hong Kong crime thriller, and The Departed certainly stands up on it's own as the film heavily incorporates the culture and history of Boston. Which was a positive.


Lord of War I avoided this for a while because it's Cage... But it was a very good film.

IMO, Infernal Affairs is the better film (The Departed was based off Infernal Affairs), but both are good quality films.

I prefer The Departed. Better acting, better direction. The only flaw it had is that it wasn't the original, and that is enough to make everyone jump on the anti-hollywood band-wagon.
"Avatar" --- Not Bad, greatly Overrated though, the world isn't going to end if you mis it.

"Daybreakers" --- Looking forward for a sequel allready, always in the mood for a vampire movie

"It's complicated" --- First movie I actually like with Meryl Streep, had a few good laughs


Closed Account
frist four seasons of entourge
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