What is the latest good film you watched ?

Eliminators - Bad B-movie from the 80's. Billed as a action movie with a "mandroid", beautiful scientist and a ninja. A winning combination if there was one. Not really. Terrible effects stupid man-android thing. The only good things were the beautiful scientist, character of Harry Fontana and the ninja.

Street Fighter the Movie - Another terrible movie if you went in thinking its gonna be like the game. But a pretty funny movie. JCVD cracking jokes and a ass ugly Blanka what more could you want from a movie at 5 AM?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Avatar... sensational!!! 10/10

In theaters
"Avatar" in 3D

I don't get why everyone is talking so much shit about this movie. I think its cause they read to much into shit. Taken from a sit back and enjoy a fuckin movie standpoint it was pretty damn good in 3D. The story was touch and go at points. But it wasn't horrible storyline. And the visuals are fuckin phenomenal! The 3D alone made it worth seeing.
The Outsiders
The Time Machine
Not the greatest, but I found it entertaining enough. I'd never read the book, so I've no idea how it compares. I did recognize Wells' great-grandson directed the movie though, not sure how that affected the outcome, if at all...


Watch sex drive unrated edition last night. Quite funny alot of pornstar cameos.


V for Vendetta.
I had not seen it in a while, it is awesome. Natalie Portman is even hot with a bald head.
V was a badass yet a gentleman. A terriosts yet a hero.
Great movie, check it out if you haven't seen it.

NBBCash Matze

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
The Time Machine
Not the greatest, but I found it entertaining enough. I'd never read the book, so I've no idea how it compares. I did recognize Wells' great-grandson directed the movie though, not sure how that affected the outcome, if at all...

saw it yesterday, I liked it very much. FX and actors are very good and the movie isn't sooo long (approx 90min).


Youth in Revolt... it was funny as hell and seeing Michael Cera's asshole alter-ego Francois Dillinger was great.:thumbsup:

Can't wait to see that.
So little time so many movies.
Youth in Revolt, Book of Eli, Daybreakers.
Just rented Hangover too.
"The Last Castle"
