What is the latest good film you watched ?

Hollow Man (2000)


Prince of the Rotten Milk
i just saw "Surrogates", with Bruce Willis, and it wasn't bad at all.

it's something like a mash up of: Matrix + Minority Report + I, Robot
The Fifth Element (1997)

In the colorful future, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr Zorg at bay.

Oldboy (2003)

After being kidnapped and imprisoned for 15 years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that he must find his captor in 5 days.


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Gran Torino (2008)

Clint Eastwood - I like his face expressions in this movie, and just love his acting in this movie, and it has some very funny moments in the movie. I like it where Bee Vang (Thao) and Clint Eastwood (Walt) was at the barber shop, that has to be one of my favorite scenes in the movie.
Saving Silverman - One of my favorites.

Natural Born Killers - I had forgotten how good this movie is. And how fucked up it is. In a good way. :)