WALL-E, anything by Disney/Pixar and im in. Its how you say...a very sweet little movie. Seeing as its quite late i shall put on my Sunday clothes and bid you all a fair adieu.
Curious Case of Benjamin Button has been my favorite of 2008, but there's:
Revolutionary Road (completely amazing)
The Reader (for anyone interested in seeing Cate Winslett naked for nearly half the movie)
The Wrestler (for anyone interested in Marisa Tomei naked for nearly every shot she's in [plays a stripper)
Gran Torino (just a good movie)
Slumdog Millionaire
I bought myself Alien Quadrilogy DVD boxset for Christmas. Been rewatching Alien, Aliens, Aliens 3 and Alien Resurrection in the past few days. Theater releases as well as Director's cuts.
Great movies.
I'm particulary impressed at Aliens and Aliens 3 - those two are a lot greater than i remembered. The original Alien still the masterpiece tho. And Alien Resurrection the weakest link.