What is the latest good film you watched ?

Burn After Reading

pretty fuckin wierd movie, but it's the coen brothers. so, ya know.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I just finished watching two movies...

Blade Runner (7/10) - I think it would've been cooler if I saw it back in 1982. Watching it in 2008 for the first time might have ruined it's luster a little bit. It was good though.

The Machinist (9/10) - I don't want to ruin anything, but this is a great movie that has one of those great endings that you didn't really expect. I would highly recommend this movie if you like the kind of story that centers around a person losing their mind.
Rear Window, very good movie.

I went to see the Day The Earth Stood Still, remake yesterday and all I can say is thank god I didnt pay for it because its was a complete and utter mess and a total waste of time. If anyone is thinking about going to see it I recomend you go out and buy or rent the original it is a million times better.


The Machinist (9/10) - I don't want to ruin anything, but this is a great movie that has one of those great endings that you didn't really expect. I would highly recommend this movie if you like the kind of story that centers around a person losing their mind.

"I just wanna sleep"

Damn, I love that movie and I love the ending.


^ I hope Christian Bale goes back to these kinds of roles after he's done with his hollywood blockbuster phase.
The Machinist (9/10) - I don't want to ruin anything, but this is a great movie that has one of those great endings that you didn't really expect. I would highly recommend this movie if you like the kind of story that centers around a person losing their mind.

Haven't seen this movie yet, just watched the trailer and i got the idea that the plot is something similar as "number 23" . I'm i right or not?

Going to see if i can get the movie somewhere.
Haven't seen this movie yet, just watched the trailer and i got the idea that the plot is something similar as "number 23". I'm i right or not?

Its much better than the Number 23, I dont think its like that movie at all, but I suppose it could be lumped into the whole weird movie catagory.

Right now Im watching Rescue Dawn (Christian Bale yet again) its been on for 13 minutes, but from what ive seen looks quite good.
Not really, no. I mean I guess you can loosely say that it's kinda the same, in that they both are about a guy that is doubting the reality of his memories, but in terms of the actual plot, the Machinist really isn't anything like Number 23.
Just finished watching Robin Hood: Men In Tights

One of the funniest movies of all time. All of those stupid spoof movies makers need to watch this one to see how to do something worth watching.