Into the Blue. Jessica Alba has a perfect body.
Boogie Nights
Still my favourite Paul Thomas Anderson film.
The Machinist (9/10) - I don't want to ruin anything, but this is a great movie that has one of those great endings that you didn't really expect. I would highly recommend this movie if you like the kind of story that centers around a person losing their mind.
"I just wanna sleep"
Damn, I love that movie and I love the ending.
The Machinist (9/10) - I don't want to ruin anything, but this is a great movie that has one of those great endings that you didn't really expect. I would highly recommend this movie if you like the kind of story that centers around a person losing their mind.
Haven't seen this movie yet, just watched the trailer and i got the idea that the plot is something similar as "number 23". I'm i right or not?