What is the latest good film you watched ?


It's good to be the king...
I watched Casino the other night, not Casino Royale but Casino witH Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci. It was pretty good, so that was the last good film i've seen.
I just saw the Departed tonight and it was f'n great.
Zombie Creeping Flesh- admittedly very trashy, with terrible dubbing/dialogue,a music score nicked from Dawn of the Dead, and gratuitous nudity not to mention a hell of a lot of gut munching. What more could you want from a film/
I just saw American Hardcore. It's a documentary on the american "hardcore" punk rock bands during the early 80's. It made me both proud and dissapointed in reflection on my current musical tastes and freinds. which I guess is a good thing? I liked it better than the book, which just seemed to be more like a VH1 behind the music special on each band and less so about the way that the bands influenced each other and criss-crossed the nation creating a new sweeping music direction and lifestyle - as was portrayed more in the film.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

ARGH! ::keels over dead:: Noo... :cough, hack, wheeze!:

Lessee.. cant remember the film, but the last *SHOW* would be Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Season 3.. just watched the one where Odo's being interrogated by Garak and he cant shapeshift 'cuz of that thar device. Almost makes me wish I saw it years upon years ago when it first appeared on the telly. But.. not really. Crappy broadcast quality, waiting weeks between new episodes.. HEEEELLL NO! I'm not patient enough for that! Like this waiting for the rest of *Lost* crap! Its almost in the back of my mind, now. I think I can recall that Kate/Sawyer are supposed to run somewhere.. but they havent told Jack where TF they are! lmao That should be a swift kick to his plans, it should!


milf n' cookies
Underworld: Evolution

Great film starring Kate Beckinsale. How can you go wrong with Kate anyways! I really liked this sequel. Underworld was excellent and now Underworld: Evolution was fantastic! Kate is magnificent ans is looking so damn hot!! Would love to see a third film to this series. :thumbsup:
As far as light entainment goes, I went to a preview of Eragon last night and I gotta say I enjoyed it!! Im looking forward to the next one.:thumbsup:
I watched "Ben-Hur" again.

Still a great classic movie! :)
