What is the latest good film you watched ?

It's pretty good. I will say though that if you're a Hulk fan you might be disappointed because there's not much of him in the movie but the story is really good and it's nice to see the Black Panther.

That's a shame, considering how he almost destroyed all the Avengers single-handed in the 1st one. But will definatley watch UA2 this week.
Marvel Movie Marathon:
Ultimate Avengers
Good animated flick.

Absolutely LOVE the fight with the Hulk near the end. Being a die hard Hulk fan, that scene definately made the movie for me. Perhaps we'll see something similar to that with a future Avengers movie.....


Postal Paranoiac
The Sons Of Katie Elder--oldie starring The Duke! :thumbsup:


The Happening, by M. Night Syamalan.

i know, i know... a lot of people think that sucks, but it was awesome if you ask me.


Closed Account

It would of been better with real people, but it still looks awesome (especially on my new massive fucking tv).

Animated Jolie is just as hot as the real thing. Shame she's only in it for a few scenes.
Marvel Movie Marathon:
X3: The Last Stand
The final Marvel movie. I've had so much fun with this that I think I'm going to do a Comic Movie Marathon and watch my other comic based films.