Really? Wow, never heard that about Se7en before.
I know it's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I'd like to know why you didn't like it, if you feel like telling me?
I do!
Se7en follows the trodden paths of the classical whodunits without adding anything unique to the overdone genre of movies about serial killers. Fincher is a big pretender who mainly uses cheap stylistic elements:
1) Creating a "dark" atmosphere by simply turning on the rain machine and shooting in shady places.
2) A pretentious subplot that doesn't deliver (i.e. superficial religious / mediaeval mysticism that any undergraduate liberal arts student is able to unmask as shallow and flawed. (although it is not half as annoying as in
3) Taking the easy way to shock the (juvenile) audience: Contrived ways of murder and torture. But sadly, even this last refuge only manages to reach the level of a ghost train ride at your local amusement park, at best. It can give you a quick shiver, but after the third tableau of rearranged human flesh, it becomes repetitive and boring.
Morbidity and visualized abnormalities are not enough... I think that e.g.
Hostel (flawed as it is) has a lot more to offer than
Just my irrelevant opinion, of course...