Bottle Rocket. What a funny flick.
Casino is a perfect complement to Goodfellas, and a one of my all time favorites. I saw it tonight and thought, only Goodfellas is better.
C'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time In The West) Sergio Leone's Western masterpiece! I love his movies!
Watched the original Wicker Man (1973) staring Christoper Lee just a bit ago! Not really a great movie but a cult classic!Just got back from the cinema! Went an saw The Wicker Man and I liked it! I thought it was pretty good!
I just saw "SAW 1". That was missing to my culture... WOW! I'm getting ready for "SAW 2" tomorrow.:eek:
"1" was better then "2"
I have the DVD set! :thumbsup:The last good movie I saw wasn't a was a mini series...
Band of Brothers
That reminds me of a german movie, "Die Brücke" (eglish title: "The Bridge"). Still one of the best movies showing the insanity of war. It's about a group of unexperienced soldiers (actually teenagers) that are sent out to defend a bridge. That bridge is not even important, but they think it is and defend it with their lives.On that same theme, A Bridge Too Far also had the same sentiment of the futility of war, beautifully filmed.