What is the latest good film you watched ?

I also enjoyed I am Legend. It had the elements of a number of different movies that I could think of such as The Stand, Time Machine, Pulse, and the novel Cell, however it took a little of each and rolled it into a similar story with a different twist. I thought it was pretty good, and Will Smith gives an excellent performance as always.
2001: A Space Odyssey is on right now, great movie

'Dave, my mind is going, i can feel it, i can feel it, i can feel it, im afraid'

Always good. My mail checker says out loud, "There is a message for you" in the voice of HAL.

The Road to Perdition with Tom Hanks and Paul Newman
I just bought the Bourne Trilogy on DVD today for one my father's christmas presents and I watched the Bourne Ultimatum there now. I saw it in the cinema but we were sitting too close to the screen it ended up hurting my eyes because of the shakey camera movements. Anyway, it is an awesome movie. Highly recommend the trilogy to anyone who hasn't seen them.
I watched Hannibal Rising earlier today. I had heard that it wasn't such a good movie, but I'm a fan of Thomas Harris, so I gave it a go. Surprisingly good- of all the movies, this one follows the book the closest.


milf n' cookies
Rounders, starring Matt Damon and Edward Norton.
I just bought the Bourne Trilogy on DVD today for one my father's christmas presents and I watched the Bourne Ultimatum there now. I saw it in the cinema but we were sitting too close to the screen it ended up hurting my eyes because of the shakey camera movements. Anyway, it is an awesome movie. Highly recommend the trilogy to anyone who hasn't seen them.

Cool, they have a trilogy package out now? I know what I want for Xmas!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Wayne's World, Jack Frost.
The Deer Hunter was on last night. Watched it for like the 50th+ time. The greatest film, as far as I'm concerned, about friendship. The kinda film that, if I had children, when they came of age, this would be a required viewing with the old man. Lots of life lessons in this one.
Fuckin A!
The Bourne Identity.

The first and for me the best of the trilogy, plus it's the only one I can watch anytime, although that might have something to do with Franka Potente.


Closed Account
GUYS, sick of being forced to watch those boring/lame Chick Flicks by your girlfriend or significant other? Is your girlfriend annoyed because you never want to watch films she likes?

Have no fear!

The Notebook
, probably the best chick flick I've ever seen. I actually really really loved it, and I hate those girly bullshit love stories. Solid characters and a really good moving story.

Plus, my girlfriend got all upset and couldn't keep her hands off me. It does the trick :thumbsup:
The Bourne Identity.

I loved all three of those movies. <3

We went and saw The Golden Compass on Friday. I thought it was pretty good.