What is the latest good film you watched ?


It was fun, lots of cool action sequences. Anyone who tells you this movie is full of SJW crap is lying.

I saw this on sale and had always wanted to watch it as it's one of the best storylines in Batman. There are 7 different endings (some are a little short) but all are widely divergent and pretty graphically violent.
You even have one where
Robin executes Joker with a shot to head

Just make you get this on DVD/BR, and NOT streaming/digital. From what I'm seeing, those versions don't let you choose anything and only have one ending. Which defeats the entire purpose of the gimmick.
I just saw "American Factory." Good documentary about a Chinese glass maker for the automotive industry. A couple of takeaways: 1) wow - the Chinese President of the US factory referred to Americans as donkeys?!; 2) the propaganda that the US Supervisors saw when visiting a company plant in Fiji TOTALLY reminded me of Russian Communist propaganda I saw in the House of Terror in Budapest, from when it was occupied after WW II..