Sad to say .. but Daryl Dixon. Primarily around Laurent, a purported 12-year old "savior." First BS moment was when they escape Paris on a boat. They overnight at a pre-established base camp, with one of the two adults (other is the Boat Master) keeping watch. While battling with some zombies, he unfortunately gets shish-kabobed on a protrusion from a utility pole. As Daryl takes him out after turning, they pack up camp, and head to the boat. Except it isn't there.. Daryl pulls in the tie-down rope, and it has obviously been cut with a serrated edge of a knife. The "savior" cut away the boat, because he didn't want to leave his friends / everyone he knew..
It gets worse. The sixth / last episode of season 1 - they make their way to a protected area. Daryl calls in his part of the agreement, and departs for a TWO DAY journey North, to meet up with an ocean-going vessel. After he initially leaves the area, he looks back towards it. Maybe a mile away, on a dry river bed? NOTHING ELSE IS VISIBLE.
Two days go by, and they show Daryl on a sea cliff. He jumps and waves to a boat on the horizon. It signals him that it sees him. His commotion has stirred up .. 48 or so zombies. He takes out .. 12 or so, and gets down to the beach. As he approaches the water .. he hears his name being called. He turns around .. and sees the prodigy near the sea cliff he just descended.
So .. you're telling me a 12-year old boy RAISED IN A NUNNERY, can travel for two days with no food / water, through zombie-infested territory ON HIS OWN?? WTF..