What is her name <brunette> ?

This girl keeps turning up when I keep looking for 'Sweet Natural Girl' and I'm always confusing the two. Her name is Jillian on the site but she is also known as Dagmar Deluska.


She has a thread here, as does Sweet Natural Girl herself, Jaime. Jillian is her niece apparently (both Dutch) and the one we're looking for is (so far) just known as one of her 'HOT friends'.

She joins the list of Internet models and pornstars who have friends they work with but never name (Brandi Belle is one of the main culprits). That's why we're on this forum, I know, but you have to work really hard to find out more - sometimes without reward. This prompts my new catchphrase: "I don't think I can do anymore". Maybe the lovely Jillian can tell us?