what is freedom?

One of two things is going to happen here.

1 - Only 1 or two people reply and the thread dies

2 - Someone will berate someone else for no apparent reason and an argument will break out, and the thread will live on for awhile.

To answer the question, I guess it's the ability to do what you want without restraint. Or be naked and say fuck you to anyone who passes. While wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. And mascara.
One of two things is going to happen here.

1 - Only 1 or two people reply and the thread dies

2 - Someone will berate someone else for no apparent reason and an argument will break out, and the thread will live on for awhile.

To answer the question, I guess it's the ability to do what you want without restraint. Or be naked and say fuck you to anyone who passes. While wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. And mascara.

Fuck you!!! ;)

Freedom is a substitute for "French" in any context.

Ted freedom kissed Janie in the back of the room while the teacher was going over verb conjugations in third-period freedom class.

Bob: "Is that Jean-Francois kid Spanish?"
Joe: "No he's a dirty fucking freedom-man. Pardon my freedom."

Bob: "That was straight-up sick how you freedom inhaled that last bong hit."
Joe: "Hell yeah! Yo man I got the munchies...let's go to Denny's for some freedom fries and freedom toast with a side of freedom bread."
Fuck you!!! ;)

Freedom is a substitute for "French" in any context.

Ted freedom kissed Janie in the back of the room while the teacher was going over verb conjugations in third-period freedom class.

Bob: "Is that Jean-Francois kid Spanish?"
Joe: "No he's a dirty fucking freedom-man. Pardon my freedom."

Bob: "That was straight-up sick how you freedom inhaled that last bong hit."
Joe: "Hell yeah! Yo man I got the munchies...let's go to Denny's for some freedom fries and freedom toast with a side of freedom bread."

Good times.
Freedom is an illusion!!

We don't know it but we are just like mice in a cage on this planet, running on our little wheel to try and get some cheese...which to us is in the form of money...material goods...hot sex with a partner who thinks we are a god. All the while these omnipotent beings from the 4th dimension are watching us....throwing road blocks in our way for their amusement...and yet we struggle on saving up money to take your partner on a vacation, so you will still be thought of as a god....wondering why it is so tough to get the last few crumbs out of the corner of the Doritos bag....wondering why your kids think you are an idiot. We worry about the wrinkles forming on our faces and hands, and notice it takes longer for things to heal....we get angry at our bodies for starting to betray us when you start to piss a half second before you have it all the way out....until finally we draw our last breath wearing adult diapers and wondering where did all the years go to...............

Oh Yeah....Fuck You!! :thefinger


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves.* ~Nietzsche
I associate freedom with simply having a choice, or the perception that we have a choice even if we really don't
freedom is what america use to stand for until the whine babys took god out of everything and forced people to not smoke here and not smoke there .
freedom is what our grandparents faught and died for back in the day


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think you can be more or less free, but complete freedom is not possible.

You Might over come rules, regulations, ties that hold you down, you can work out and free yourself from a wheelchair, you can build your own cabin in the woods and live for yourself...

Ultimately, there are some ties that hold every man and woman:

Everybody is subject to gravity
Everybody will die some day
Everybody that messes with Petra will pay the price :rofl:


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If you want to look at it from a grim perspective, we aren't truly free until death.


Member, you member...
Free to do what you want without any government telling you what to do - kind of like Freeones - minus the Ban Hammer.
Freedom is death.