Doesn't it help you though to here what some fans dislike?
its entertaining criticisim. I ask my members who they want to see more of and what they want to see more of, but you can't make perfect porn for everyone. I can't at least. I just film every scene as-is and dont overthink things. The main critic complaint I get is that I talk to the girls too much.
Well I took that to heart a few months ago, and tried being silent through a few scenes. It creeped the girls right the fuck out. One even got up off her knees and said whats the matter you acting like it don't feel good. Its not a good thing when you have girls questioning themselves, that makes for really fucked up movies. So I just be myself without putting on a show, and that means interacting with the chicks. aside from that I have no other gripes from members, so i'll keep on talkin shit to the girls cause thats all I do in real life anyway. hope that helps