What I'm doing here is point less and need new way of doing it now

If you think I spent no more than 15 minutes looking for it or using the wrong search parameters than you do a search and see if I'm lazy :eek:

Do not tell me the URL just say nec I did search and found a web site or message board of white trash girls or girls in casual clothes .

I'm just saying take look and see what I mean.
I'm not looking for a porn portal site , I'm looking for a dedicated site .
girls_gym clothes .com
girls_casual clothes
White_trash girls.com
girls_getting high.com

so on.

Get the idea what I'm looking for. A web site or message board for ever fetish listed above .But I cannot even find 1 or 2 web site or message board dedicated to it!!!

Then start your own and quit starting stupid threads here.
Do people even use Yahoo answers any more? I thought Yahoo answers was not that cool thing like before?

Dunno whether it's the in thing or not but I'm sure there's at least one freak still on there that maybe able to guide you in the right direction :dunno: