What horror movie would you love to see be made into a porn parody?


Love & Basketball
Not into horror movies personally , but I love your idea Lauren. What a way to go. :thumbsup: :yesyes: ;)
Thank you so much! I'm really like this topic right now. I hope one day I can make some of these titles happen.

I agree Lauren , an excellent topic , giving the Horror classic a dark erotic edge
I am thinking the original "Halloween" ... Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasance
The way how the villian resents love making and couples showing affection to such an extent it drives him to kill.
There was flashes of flesh in it too
The opening where the sister is sitting by the mirror as her younger brother goes mental before their parents arrive home
Then in the same neighbourhood how the villian stalks the helpless teens
A horny couple interrupted . A babysitter caught outside in the shed.
Defintely got to be a Porn Parody of "Halloween"


is drinking synthehol in Ten Forward
Alien where the spaceship is full of porn stars en route to Alpha Centuri for a convention and the alien in question has a massive green dick the size of a baseball bat that actually fucks them to death. So, still a horror movie, but with a porn angle. On second thought, that's sick. He cuddles them and tells them they are all pretty just the way they are. Just like Trump and Putin.
Day of the Living Dead or to give it a full on porn pun title "Lay of the Living Dead"? :D
Shaun of the Dead morphing into the porn version "Shauna of the Dead".

You got me thinking though about other movies.

How about "Hot Fuzz", that's a movie title just screaming out for a porn parody.

Pitch Perfect or in the good old Porn world "Bitch Perfect"?


Official Checked Star Member
What about the new movie "bye bye man?"
How about a Buffy, the Vampire Slayer parody, it could be called Lauren, the Vampire Sucker the only way to kill them is to suck them dry. ;)