What Happens To A Male/Female Pornstar If They Get A STD?

every hardcore pornstar have to do regular STD test, and of course of they are contaminated they aren't allowed to fuck without a condom !
porn actor and actress aren't all crazy, they won't caught AIDS of their full likings just for a fuck and some $$ :rolleyes:
yeh i agree with 9 inch every time they go in for a movie they have a blood test to make sure they are clean, this is to protect the pornstar women/man and the other actor is co starring.
But i would have to say if a pornstar did get Hiv from personal life that he/she would not be able to make any movies ever again, unless they find a cure for it. Heres hoping they do.
i remember wathcing a episode of "family buisness" staring seymore butts... he went through what a strict way the porn business deals with HIV positive preformers...

quite interesting... and i would say that the porn industry.. well vivid and other well known companies does all the can to protect their stars... i mean without them there is no money.

many late night shows on those weird channels like bravo and showcase journey further into the topic.
i remember a roundtable sort of show with seymore butts, ron jeremy, gina lynn, stacey valentine then some other stud and a female producer. they went into detail as to all the tests and strict codes used before during and after shoots to prevent any STD's from brewing up and or passing from one person to another. i found it very interesting...

so @ foxy, i agree that 1/4 people have herpes in some form, but i honestly believe that the porn/sex industry is so clean these days that it is very rare that STD's are passed on. for the amount of sex that actually goes on... very few cases come back HOV positive


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What Happens To A Male/Female Pornstar If They Get A STD?

I imagine that once it become "business" knowledge (not necessarily public knowledge) that particular performer is "Black" listed.

I'm sure no one in the biz would want to knowing risk infection no matter how much they are paid or how many precautions are taken.

I can remember a group of pornstars went to Brazil and contracted it there while on a shoot.

For the life of me I cannot remember who it was though. :dunno:


There is the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation that does testing and has kept lists of performers with diseases. (Sometimes voluntarily released info)

It's run by 70s porn star Sharon Mitchell.
im pretty sure that once a pornstar contracts a deadly STD their quarentined and then kicked out of the business. And yes it is rare for a pornstar to have a serious STD. But companies like vivid always use condoms to prevent it. Maybe soon in the US it will be a law to wear condoms for porn.