What game are you waiting for?

I personally can't wait for DOOM 4 I'm going to preorder it when gamestop list it online hopefully they have a special edition. OHHH & it's coming out on the PS3, 360, & pc. http://pc.ign.com/articles/872/872097p1.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_4

i liked DOOM 3 it was decent. it WASN'T classic DOOM or DOOM2
but it was enjoyable.
i actually preffered the older graphics than the newer ones. plus the whole very dark look to doom 3 was a bit annoying. you needed a flashlight everywhere! and it was quite possibly the worst flashlight EVER for a game in the "future" you would figure they could get a brighter flashlight then.
i have a mag-lite the size of my hand that is blinding and it's 2009!
i liked DOOM 3 it was decent. it WASN'T classic DOOM or DOOM2
but it was enjoyable.
i actually preffered the older graphics than the newer ones. plus the whole very dark look to doom 3 was a bit annoying. you needed a flashlight everywhere! and it was quite possibly the worst flashlight EVER for a game in the "future" you would figure they could get a brighter flashlight then.
i have a mag-lite the size of my hand that is blinding and it's 2009!

I absolutely loved doom 3 it was a great reboot that was long over do & yeah the flashlight sucked but I found it fun because of the darkness & I do hope whatever doom 4 well be like that they let you put flashlights on your gun I don't feel like downloading an other duck tape mod (especially since the duck tape mod's flashlight sucked even more then the regular flashlight)
the new ufc game just came out, waiting on my copy preordered, played the demo its boss beertter than the last one

just picked mine up yesterday.
i need to have the patience to actually learn the game.
learn all the moves and techniques. should be fun to play
word its not that hard and fun evne if you dont know what youre doing, as soon as i get my copy i will take online my superstar fighter "Lay'N'Pray"


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Metal Gear Solid 5
Resident Evil 6(In about8 years)
Dead Island.

Red Dead Redemption. It's supposed to be more inline with GTA IV in terms of free roam and combat aiming ect. Which is good. Because the first Red Dead game was SHIT in every department. I fucking hate that Revolver game with a passion. Red Dead Revolver was and still is a poor mans GUN, in every way. Here's hoping that Redemption redeems it's self on the mistakes Revolver made. Oh aye and the three areas [put together] in Redemption are bigger than the whole of San Andreas put together. So here's hoping there's enough missions and side quests to fill that space we have to play in. Otherwise it will just be Just Cause all over again, a large sandbox with very little to do in it. Just Cause boasted of having the biggest play area in any free roaming game ever made. That was like shouting they had the biggest dick ever and yet didn't use it for what it was meant for.
God of war 3
Assassins Creed 2

I do not understand how so many people were displease with AC
Because it was so repetitive

given the fact that i waited forever to play the game after seeing it as a "trailer" in a local gamestop...i was AMAZED at the graphics...
the game stunk. it wasn't repetitive...it was absurredly repetitive
and the fact that i never finished the game because of a glitch.
the last level or mission when you are chasing someone down on horseback and ur going down this long winding path....my character doubled (became 2 characters) and just fell into the ground..well under the ground and just kept falling into oblivion.
i tried reloading several times. and just threw the game out after realizing it was a terrible game

You're the only guys that I've heard didn't like it. Everyone I know thought it was awesome.

Anyway mine are: Dead Rising 2, Assassin's Creed 2, and the new Punch-Out


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
STARCRAFT 2... Diablo 3... probably several others, but definitely a Blizz fan :)