What game are you waiting for?

Resident Evil 5 is just around the corner.
Deadrising 2 is official so I can't wait for it. Zombies in Vegas HELL YEAH!
Batman Arkham Asylum also looks amazing and will end the bad batman game streak.
Legends of Wrestlemania looks great.
Gran Turismo 5, just bought prologue ... can't wait... have to wait 10 more months here ...


what the fuck you lookin at?
Looking forward to:
Gears of War 3 (whenever the fuck they release it)
Rock Band 3 (again whenever the fuck they release it)

neither have been announced as to even what year they'll be release in. But both have been confirmed as being in development.

also looking forward to Bioshock 2 - sure to be a blast!
The game I can not wait for has not arrived in Australia yet its

Final Fantasy XIII
couple days away for RESIDENT EVIL 5...
but when will i play it? i am fucking addicted to FALLOUT 3 right now.
and i can't put the game down.
i think RE5 will have to wait until ....well wait behind Mass Effect...i haven't touched that yet! and republic commando (star wars) played like 5 minutes of it... god when will i find the time to play these games?????
NEW Rainbow 6 game
NEW Ghost Recon game
Ghostbusters! It should arrive any time soon. I played the original one on a Commodore 64 all those years ago. If it mimics the atmosphere of the movies and the ancient videogame, I'll be over the moon.


what the fuck you lookin at?
CoD:MW2 or CoD 6 whichever its gonna be called!