If you take the money you could use it to have plastic surgery to look like him and get yourself a personal trainer to help achieve a similar body to his, with you new found wealth you'll attract women even hotter than Angelina so I'd say take the money and all the financial stresses of life are over!
I don't need his face, I'm quite handsome. (for a pretty boy)
I'm in decent shape too, I don't need his body.
His wife has too many kids to look after and is is probably really high maintenance. I'll pass on that.
I'm doing alright financially, but if I had his 150 mil, then I could quit my job and spend more quality time on this board.
I'd like to have a lean muscle form like that, I'm much wider in the shoulders and chest from that Scottish heritage. It's a bitch to find suits that fit well.
But I'd like to have his hair. His or Jeff Bridges. Been thinning as of late.