What do you wish to be invented?


A 'common sense' machine :catpopcorn:

Or a common sense pill or even better a common sense vaccine everyone has to get when they are born.

A vaccine to boost intelligence like in the movie Limitless would be great too.

And they could add something in it to prevent people from becoming evil assholes.

Imagine a world where everyone had at least 150 IQ, and no one was evil.
some sort of artificial gravity beyond centrifuges. It will be necessary for any realistic chance to explore some of the planets in our solar system.
With Replicators we could feed everyone on the planet and make anything in a few seconds.

This would be my choice as well, but with the way humanity is I could see the minority of powerful, rich, and elite people lording replicators over all the rest or restricting it's legal use somehow instead of using them to totally cure poverty and hunger for everybody even if they could easily do so. Part of the reason they would be among the greatest things ever would also be some of the reason a select few people wouldn't wan them. They would make most economies useless, make the concept of being rich and having wealth useless, and would make controlling people and dictating things to those people because of that a lot harder.
Transporters. Man, make some transporters. Live where you want, work on a different continent, have dinner in the far East, dessert in France...Camp at the South Pole for a night...dang. the possibilities are endless!

I like the common sense pill, too.

And the high IQ with no one evil. That's awesome.

Here's something that is being prevented from high production - how about cars that get 300 miles to the gallon, and produce nothing but warm air? How about viable ways to harness wind and solar energy that governments will pursue?

Oh, best one yet - someone invent a governmental system that is incapable of corruption.


Like most ideas created in the moment, most are not useable...
Afghanistan (and other 3rd World Countries) used a system, probably still do, that eliminated most of the corruption in the vast lower echelons of government.
For every function, there were at least 3 people part of that function.
It cost too much to bribe everybody, and the others would repost any deviation from the rules not paid for...so it eliminated a good deal of the corruption.
As well as taking a month to, say, get a visa renewed instead of a few days. Drawback to that anti-corruption system is the massive non-speed govt worked at.
We have many solutions now to world hunger, etc, but they have impractical sides too. If everyone has food and shelter, and free med care, the bored population of billions would take to burning, killing, and torturing each other just for entertainment.
Sounds like fun...



Instant Beer

There ya goddam go...the first practical wish idea I've heard.

After a way to package Dehydrated Water is found, survival bunkers and our military can be ready for years of survival-type stuff; add Instant Beer, and the future is here!