what do you love/hate about yourself?

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
what I love about me:

what I hate about me:
I am blind as a bat; can only see well in one eye; the other eye is useless

my height

my weight

I look like a wooly mammoth = hairy motherfucker; except on my head; bald..

my nose is crooked- broke it sometime when I was younger??

I have and hate my cleft

one eye brow has hair missing in the middle of it- thanx to a serious cut when I was younger

ugly feet

huge scar on my cheek- cut myself with a fingernail the day I was born!!

huge scar on top of my head- elementry school;huge cement tunnels in the playground; didn't duck down enough @ a high rate of speed..

heart problems- inherited; and some of my own doing..

brain damage- self diagnosis; smoked massive amounts of marijuana?!?

I am more feared than loved..

shown great respect because of my personality changes...

slightly retarded- self diagnosed; and self confessed; never proffessionally diagnosed; I am very obnoxious when I want to be; and I have a dark/sick sense of humor/POV; kind of mean spirited personality most of the tme.. all this is done on purpose.. I live for arguments.. instigate allot of chaos for my own entertainment.. I usually try to stay mad about something for no good reason other than be the scrooge..

dr. jeckle and mr. hyde personality changes- when I want to I can be the nicest person you'll ever meet; very charming could get a girl with white gloves to pick up mud or shit; have and use great manners; always respect my elders; cater to and respect a womens every need; wish; command; I am very out spoken; very blunt; I can and will carry on quite in depth conversations with very smart people and not sound or thought to be out of my leauge; or out of place / say..

I use all of the above as my self defense mechanism because I have very low/little self-esteem..

I pretty much hate myself..

more to come later.. I wanna see how many people actually go in depth about themselves as I did.. this just some of my love/hate about myself..


Sorry you hate yourself so much. You should probably see a psychiatrist about that.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Not gonna pick up any chicks with that kind of attitude! Only thing I hate about myself, other than being broke, is my eyesight. I need glasses or contacts both of which are a nuisance!
I hate the fact that i've fallen in love with one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen, but i just can't win her heart because she has a boyfriend (and this guy is not that handsome , what does she see in him ? ).


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Why must noobs wake the dead?


I hate that I wasn't born to a rich family, I've never fucked a Thai chick and that I can't make my six pack into an eight pack because I refuse to diet.

My life sucks.
I have never had sex with an asian chick and the older I get, the more I think it's not gonna happen.

Other than that, I'm in love with myself! I often sit and ponder why I was cursed to be this sexy. It's just not fair to the other normal townspeople


Official Checked Star Member
I don't hate anything about myself. Ok, I could stand to drop 10lbs, but I love food more than I hate the weight, so it don't matter. But yeah, I love myself. Don't always love where I'm at in life, but me, as a person, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually...I think I'm pretty rad all around. :)

OP - you shouldn't hate yourself so much. You're your own best friend - if you hate yourself, so will everyone around you.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I have never had sex with an asian chick and the older I get, the more I think it's not gonna happen.

you're not missing much. the rumors are not true, their snapper is not sideways. and often its jumanji jungle down there :1orglaugh

and honestly they are a bit cold in the sack from my experiences with them outside of the porn world. (asian video talent is another animal in itself... feisty and fun!) but so far as civilians go if you're black like me you'll be their dirty little secret, outside of their family/social inner circle for the most part so get used to it. but if you're getting older, by all means go and hire a few azns and satisfy your curiousity.
I don't hate anything about myself. Ok, I could stand to drop 10lbs, but I love food more than I hate the weight, so it don't matter. But yeah, I love myself. Don't always love where I'm at in life, but me, as a person, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually...I think I'm pretty rad all around. :)

OP - you shouldn't hate yourself so much. You're your own best friend - if you hate yourself, so will everyone around you.

True because I hate the OP


The OP should just kill himself.
Though with the self loathing, he would depress the fuck out of Satan, who would send him back to Earth, only for cycle of self loathing to continue.
Why must noobs wake the dead?

I wouldn't call him a noob.

My ethnic background. My athleticism. My reasonably good looks. My ambition and mind when I set it to something. That I have some affluent family in my family tree.

Not tall enough for my liking (although I'm 5'11"). Can't play an instrument as good as I would like. I'm pushing 30 so my dreams are running out. That I'm not a millionaire (yet). That I've let some of the women go that I wanted more than anything.


I hate that I cant grow a goatee also.
Miracle grow, extension, weave; nothing works!
Damn moustache, why won't you connect with the beard!!!? WHY!!!???
i don't like my hairs, they're always unpredictable when they grows, even if it's in a part of my body unshaved, dammit. I remember, the first time i saw them i was thinking, at last i'm a man, the second after i wondered why do i have hairs in my neck, a beard, doesn't it starts from the chin to the neck, not the opposite ? That day i was so pissed.........
I hate the fact that i've fallen in love with one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen, but i just can't win her heart because she has a boyfriend (and this guy is not that handsome , what does she see in him ? ).

he probably fucks her pretty good and presumably treats her reasonably well also...sorry, just sayin :dunno:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Let me clarify my position when I wrote this thread... I was severely DEPRESSED, BROKE, Didn't have my DRIVERS LICENSE or a CAR, and I was NOT able to work by way of MEDICAL REASONS (since 5/06 to present) I still hate some of my physical attributes that I originally mentioned, but since this thread was written ALLOT OF $H!T has changed, I got my $$$, I got my Drivers License back, I got my OWN CAR. I have my HEATERS back now..

I am still somewhat depressed @ times, but not even close to the degree I was, the ANXIETY that fueled my SEVERE depression is for the most part GONE. So in other words I am doing very well now, despite some depression @ times, I am NO where near the condition I was when I started this thread. So all the haters can go fuck themselves!! For all of my friends and those that are cool with me, thanks for your support, and I appreciate you keeping my head in the game / in essence my sanity when I needed you the most back in the day!!! so that's that, thank you very much.

True because I hate the OP

Well in that case let me tell you how I feel about that, and promptly thank you
Oh I almost forgot, so you say you hate the OP? and what did I do or say too you for you too openly declare that you hate me?

The OP should just kill himself.
Though with the self loathing, he would depress the fuck out of Satan, who would send him back to Earth, only for cycle of self loathing to continue.

I thought you'd learned your lesson from the 1st time you replied to 1 of my posts in less than cool manner. So
Because that's really some moronic advice to give to somebody who isn't feeling good about themselves @ a certain time in there life, You sound like a real class act dude. thanx for the sympathy and kind hearted advice and concern for my well being.