Marlo Manson
Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
what I love about me:
what I hate about me:
I am blind as a bat; can only see well in one eye; the other eye is useless
my height
my weight
I look like a wooly mammoth = hairy motherfucker; except on my head; bald..
my nose is crooked- broke it sometime when I was younger??
I have and hate my cleft
one eye brow has hair missing in the middle of it- thanx to a serious cut when I was younger
ugly feet
huge scar on my cheek- cut myself with a fingernail the day I was born!!
huge scar on top of my head- elementry school;huge cement tunnels in the playground; didn't duck down enough @ a high rate of speed..
heart problems- inherited; and some of my own doing..
brain damage- self diagnosis; smoked massive amounts of marijuana?!?
I am more feared than loved..
shown great respect because of my personality changes...
slightly retarded- self diagnosed; and self confessed; never proffessionally diagnosed; I am very obnoxious when I want to be; and I have a dark/sick sense of humor/POV; kind of mean spirited personality most of the tme.. all this is done on purpose.. I live for arguments.. instigate allot of chaos for my own entertainment.. I usually try to stay mad about something for no good reason other than be the scrooge..
dr. jeckle and mr. hyde personality changes- when I want to I can be the nicest person you'll ever meet; very charming could get a girl with white gloves to pick up mud or shit; have and use great manners; always respect my elders; cater to and respect a womens every need; wish; command; I am very out spoken; very blunt; I can and will carry on quite in depth conversations with very smart people and not sound or thought to be out of my leauge; or out of place / say..
I use all of the above as my self defense mechanism because I have very low/little self-esteem..
I pretty much hate myself..
more to come later.. I wanna see how many people actually go in depth about themselves as I did.. this just some of my love/hate about myself..
what I hate about me:
I am blind as a bat; can only see well in one eye; the other eye is useless
my height
my weight
I look like a wooly mammoth = hairy motherfucker; except on my head; bald..
my nose is crooked- broke it sometime when I was younger??
I have and hate my cleft
one eye brow has hair missing in the middle of it- thanx to a serious cut when I was younger
ugly feet
huge scar on my cheek- cut myself with a fingernail the day I was born!!
huge scar on top of my head- elementry school;huge cement tunnels in the playground; didn't duck down enough @ a high rate of speed..
heart problems- inherited; and some of my own doing..
brain damage- self diagnosis; smoked massive amounts of marijuana?!?
I am more feared than loved..
shown great respect because of my personality changes...
slightly retarded- self diagnosed; and self confessed; never proffessionally diagnosed; I am very obnoxious when I want to be; and I have a dark/sick sense of humor/POV; kind of mean spirited personality most of the tme.. all this is done on purpose.. I live for arguments.. instigate allot of chaos for my own entertainment.. I usually try to stay mad about something for no good reason other than be the scrooge..
dr. jeckle and mr. hyde personality changes- when I want to I can be the nicest person you'll ever meet; very charming could get a girl with white gloves to pick up mud or shit; have and use great manners; always respect my elders; cater to and respect a womens every need; wish; command; I am very out spoken; very blunt; I can and will carry on quite in depth conversations with very smart people and not sound or thought to be out of my leauge; or out of place / say..
I use all of the above as my self defense mechanism because I have very low/little self-esteem..
I pretty much hate myself..
more to come later.. I wanna see how many people actually go in depth about themselves as I did.. this just some of my love/hate about myself..