What do animals think?

Ever wonder what goes in the mind of a dog when he has his head sticking out of the car with tongue hanging out and his ears flapping from the wind?
I think they probably are thinking "dude this is life"

Or when you fart and you blame the dog? he's probably "bastard, you did it!"

I want hear your interesting stories or deep thoughts on this subject.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Ever wonder what goes in the mind of a dog when he has his head sticking out of the car with tongue hanging out and his ears flapping from the wind?
I think they probably are thinking "dude this is life"

They are thinking the same thing us bikers are thinking! Dogs get it! :thumbsup:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
When my dog was still alive and it would stick it's head out the window while my mom was driving, it was probably thinking...

"Why does this bitch drive so slow? I can't enjoy a breeze going 20MPH."


Closed Account
Some reptiles that lay eggs will always remember how many they laid... So I have often wondered how animals 'count'.
Some reptiles that lay eggs will always remember how many they laid... So I have often wondered how animals 'count'.

Now that's something I didn't know. How about when people go to the zoo and look at the tigers like they are cute litttle cats, the tiger probably think "yes I am a little cute distant cousin of the cat come here you dumbass get a closer so I can snatch your ass and eat you like we do in the wild"


Closed Account
animals know familiarity. sights, sounds, smells, and routines. they do not think like we do.

Yes, but they must have images in there head.

Can they only see things that have happened (Familiarity) or can they see things that haven't happened?

When they are thinking of these sights, sounds, smells and routines, there must be some kind of communication going on with itself in it's head. What would that be?

It's just one of those things people will never know.
Yes, but they must have images in there head.

Can they only see things that have happened (Familiarity) or can they see things that haven't happened?
i dont think they have imaginations if thats what you are asking.

When they are thinking of these sights, sounds, smells and routines, there must be some kind of communication going on with itself in it's head. What would that be?

It's just one of those things people will never know.
when a dog sees you reaching for his bowl, he knows its food time. why? routine. :2 cents:


Closed Account
It's impossible to have routine without thought. Unless it is a machine. Animals are not machines.

I'm not saying it's gonna be the same kind of thoughts as us, like "Oh it's food time, I'm hungry and I'm going to go and eat". But there must be something going through there heads.

But no one can answer for sure.
Ok I was just asking for fiction comments of what you all thought animals would think about if they indeed had that ability. But since now science has been brought up to the subject then perharps someone can explain why would a dog dig his two elderly owners out of their snow covered house (it happened last winter) when they could not get out? Was this his routine of digging his owners out every day? or did he actually felt that they were in danger, thinking "I must dig them out quickly or they will die and then I won't have no one to feed or take care of me" and then Rufus said " I think, therefore I am the baddest dog around the yard, biatches!" (now that I made up)
Ok I was just asking for fiction comments of what you all thought animals would think about if they indeed had that ability. But since now science has been brought up to the subject then perharps someone can explain why would a dog dig his two elderly owners out of their snow covered house (it happened last winter) when they could not get out? Was this his routine of digging his owners out every day? or did he actually felt that they were in danger, thinking "I must dig them out quickly or they will die and then I won't have no one to feed or take care of me" and then Rufus said " I think, therefore I am the baddest dog around the yard, biatches!" (now that I made up)

he sensed his owners were in trouble. thats different than thinking. :2 cents:
Animals do not have a symbolic language like humans. Thoughts are composed of these symbols so animals don’t have thoughts. At least not like human have thoughts. They react to stimuli like food, fear and sex by means of a genetic predisposition. I think.
Animals do not have a symbolic language like humans. Thoughts are composed of these symbols so animals don’t have thoughts. At least not like human have thoughts. They react to stimuli like food, fear and sex by means of a genetic predisposition. I think.

agreed. :thumbsup:
You know that's what aliens are going to think about us, lower inferior non thinking species and they are gonna eat us. So senses you say ...what about when a seal floats and places a shell on his "tummy" and breaks it with a rock? or when group of monkeys use sticks and stones as weapons or hunting tools? What about when I feel like roling on the grass??, (oops never mind that last one)

So far everything you have said has been proven by scientist, here are some links:

