Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
First off, thanks for the reasoned and well-written reply. Second, I haven't much to say about the events in east Asia, as I simply haven't done much reading on them (all I know is the surface stuff regarding tensions in the US and Russia blooming in these places). Concerning the middle east, however, I have a big correction:
Research has shown, pretty simply, that without foreign presence in the area, support, motivation and action against said foreign presence rapidly dries up to nothing. See Robert Pape's Dying to Win. Religion is a tool that might make generating support easier, but nationalism is the force that makes it possible. So we have to ask ourselves if it's worth it - being there. Because just as a pen inevitably drops because you let go of it due to gravity, our troops and even we at home will continue to be targets of terrorism.
Right or wrong, terrorism is the price we pay for having interests in a volatile area and continuously defending those interests with military action.
We've been mucking around the middle east since the 50's. Maybe not specifically in one country or the other, but one must keep in mind that the countries' boundaries were arbitrary drawn up by Britain and France, with little or no input from the people that actually lived there. So even today, there might be a stronger sense of...'regionalism' than 'nationalism', so to speak. In '53, we've got the CIA overthrowing a democracy in Iran. In '63, we started a coup in Iraq - the list goes on. But here's the thing:Yes, we are indeed in their "backyard" and have been for the last decade. The answer as to why should be obvious. The radicals in the region brought it upon themselves. We had no boots on the ground in Iraq or Afghanistan BEFORE 9/11.
NOTHING we have done as a country prior to 9/11 has warranted, justified the bloodshed visited upon us. We didn't start invading Middle Eastern nations until AFTER we were attacked on our own soil. In the first Gulf War, we drove AWAY an invader.
I'm not saying we are the bad guys, or that our interventions haven't done good, or anything along those lines. But that doesn't matter if one's serious about stopping terrorism pointed toward the US. It doesn't matter why we have troops on the ground; as long as we do, Joe Shmoe Imam can use this foreign occupation - real or perceived - to motivate Larry, Mo and Curly Ahmed to blow themselves up on our troops. Right or wrong, good guys or not, continued presence will bring continued terrorism against us. Osama Bin Laden even spelled this out for us in one of his videos way back when.We, the U.S., spend OUR blood and treasure protecting the rest of the world that does not appreciate it. The U.S. appreciates and preserves, to the best of its ability and technology, innocent lives and foreign culture. Our enemies don't, period. So who are the true bad guys here?
Research has shown, pretty simply, that without foreign presence in the area, support, motivation and action against said foreign presence rapidly dries up to nothing. See Robert Pape's Dying to Win. Religion is a tool that might make generating support easier, but nationalism is the force that makes it possible. So we have to ask ourselves if it's worth it - being there. Because just as a pen inevitably drops because you let go of it due to gravity, our troops and even we at home will continue to be targets of terrorism.
Eventually, once the animosity from all our current actions fades.Scenario: We close all of our military installations around the world and bring all of our troops home. We scale down our military only to protect the boarders of our land. No intervention in any political or human rights concerns. We build an infrastructure that is totally self reliant with our own resources.
Do you think that enemies will vanish and leave us alone?
Right or wrong, terrorism is the price we pay for having interests in a volatile area and continuously defending those interests with military action.