Yes it's the same show whether he's behind a desk or not or if the ''skits'' are longer or not. UI never found Jay Leno to be charismatic, quite the contrary. I don't mean to blast the guy but I watched his first show and I found nothing too interesting. Even Seinfeld wasn't that funny on it. Rhianna, now there's someone he could have talked to but the whole Kanye thing?? Freaky how the media is so stuck on that thing. The dude was drinking and as always he was rude to Taylor Swift but what are you going to do.
Much ado about nothing concerning Leno's show. Not a big fan of Conan's tonight show either. Call me old school but David Letterman has always been the better host even if the ratings disagee. His show is much more cool, relaxed and not trying to bombard you with bullshit all the time. :2 cents: