What did you think about 2010 for video games?

The highs, the lows, what you've done and how this new year can be better for games.

Commence discussion!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
There can always be improvement in the world of gaming, and there probably will be an improvement for the world of gaming in '11.
My one disappointment this year is Fallout New Vegas not with the gameplay but with the quality control as once again they released a buggy game that freezes frequently. The same thing happened in Fallout 3 so you'd think they'd learn but guess not. The icing on the cake they release DLC, which to me is kind of a slap in the face. Fix your broken game first before you try and squeeze more money out of your customers.
i'm quite satisfied with the 2010-games. got to play some really amazing games in 2010: red dead redemption blew my mind, nfs hot pursuit turned out to be the best nfs in years, assassin's creed brotherhood as well as mafia II are solid sequels and gt5 was finally released - after 6 years of developpement!
i'm really looking forward to the upcoming games, especially to crysis 2 and uncharted 3!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Mafia II was terrible, I even sold my copy.
I'm pretty happy with what came out last year. We saw Kratos die, to me that was the best looking game of the year. Finally, Gran Turismo Five (now how about hurry up and make the sequel to Tourist Trophy). AC Brotherhood was cool and the online gameplay is pretty decent. I guess we just have to sit back and watch all the developer's say: here top this now.
Oh, another fad I'm not liking is the tacking on of online multiplayer to games. For example, Red Dead Redemption probably doesn't need a online multiplayer and I think it would have been better if they focused more on single player and made that bigger. I've heard rumblings that they're doing the same thing for Mass Effect 3, which once again doesn't need it. If it's a single player game then leave it at that and work on perfecting and not adding online multiplayer just for the sake of saying you have it.

Your average player probably plays a handful of online games i.e. the Call Of Duty series most likely because that's what those games are for. Bottomline if it's a single player game then make it one. If you want online multiplayer then make that. Don't try and make both because chances are it'll look half-assed when you compare it to other games that only focus on one.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Well said Doc.
What annoys me nowadays is that the gaming industry is heading in a more user friendly, all age direction. There's a whole bunch of developers that are focused on creating games with good graphics, a cinematic experience, decent content but next to no replayability. Also alot of games are easier and more accessible than in the past.

This is good for the industry itself, because the income is so much greater than 10 years ago, but for the more hardcore gamers who want long and deep games like in the past, its really bad.

The best example of this change is Morrowind (released in 2002) and Oblivion (released in 2006). Now, theres only 4 years in between, but the change is huge. Bethesda went from an old school, unaccessible, yet very deep game with alot of content, to a game that is very focused on graphics, animations and a main storyline. The drawback with oblivion is that theres just far less to do in the gameworld, and everything looks the same.

If you take a look at games from 10 years ago, and games now, you'll notice how alot of games went from 40-50 hours of gameplay, to around 10 hours now.

And I agree with Doc for sure, too many games on consoles are focused around multiplayer. For example, when Halo 2 came out i was dissapointed because Bungie obviously spend more time on the multiplayer (which was very good, no doubt) than on the campaign.

The bottom line for me is, I'd rather play Morrowind, than Mass Effect. I'd rather play a game that has a certain amount of depth and takes some time getting used to, than a game that offers a brief cinematic experience.

The industry is attracting alot of casual gamers, while the more hardcore gamers are being left in the cold.
That is what I liked about Bioshock. Ken Levine made that game single player and just that. Focused on the story, gameplay, and how to make a unique experience. Success.

People still complained because it didn't have online or any kind of multiplayer. Despite all the other FPS games out there for them to have.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Just compare todays games with those from before online play, they were so much better, although I approve of games with a co-op feature, where you'd get a chance to play the story with friends, I have yet to see one though.
I like how Gears of War did co-op. You can play the game together and it went well. As well as online.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'd boycott online gaming, if it weren't for co-op.


what the fuck you lookin at?
2010 was a pretty weak year for games. GoW 3 was fuckin bad ass! Beyond that, there wasn't much. I couldn't give a fuck less about HALO. I never played AC3, but I suspect it was more of the same repetitive shit that the first 2 were. And black ops was a disappointment to put it nicely.

I dunno, maybe I'm gettin older or maybe just pickier, but video games seem to be losing some appeal as of late for me.
I thought it was a pretty great year personally. We had some great releases.

Mario Galaxy 2, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Sin and Punishment 2, No More Heroes 2, God of War 3, Gran Turismo 5, Modnation Racers, Halo:Reach, Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Fallout: NV, etc...

I had a great time playing through so many great titles this year. The down side of course was the overall rushed feeling Fallout: NV had to it. So many bugs, crashes and game breaking glitches is innexcusable. The other sad moment for me was playing through GT5 and seeing no reason for it to have taken 6 years to make.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I think this has been one of the lesser years for gaming, comparing with the late nineties that is.


For the EMPEROR!!
Definite highlight was God of War 3 and Reach (although I don't bother with multi-player). I haven't played it but I noticed that even Tomb Raider Guardian of Light has online or co-op now. I hope they haven't screwed that up that franchise as well. ... BTW does anyone know the exact date Gears 3 will be out.