Friday night I went round my BFFF's house and watched the most recent two episodes of Game of Thrones with him and a third friend.
Saturday day my BFFF came round my house and we watched a football match while I ate a homemade coronation chicken sandwich. Then he went to see his daughter, so I watched another football match. In the evening I went round his house and hung out with him, his flatmate, the third friend from the night before (flatmate's brother) and his mrs, and another mate. Somehow from Tesco we managed to get two big pizzas, wedges and onion rings and a pack each of chocolate and custard doughnuts all for a tenner which was a feast for 4 for £2.50 a head. While watching really shitty Saturday night talent show TV. Everybody else fucked off or went to bed apart from me and the BFFF who stayed up watching football. Then I walked home and I came on here, then spent far too much time procrastinating about what to jerk off to. Then I jerked off, and fell asleep watching Arrested Development.
Today I slept too late and got up for a cup of coffee and a homemade coronation chicken sandwich. Then I watched two disappointing football matches. Then I watched lots of Arrested Development over a lovely lamb lunch - well, by lunch I ate at 7PM. Then I spent rather less time deciding what to jerk off over. Now I plan on falling asleep watching Arrested Development.
Well, you did ask.
If you thought that there sounds little to my life apart from food, football, Arrested Development and porn, at the moment you'd be right.