What country would you like to visit the most?

I would love to Visit Italy...so much history and well I find Italian girls to be the most beautiful and i love the Italian Culture and history

I would like to go to Hong Kong, Egypt, Australia, Japan, China, Dubai, and I would love to go to Brazil... the women :flame: plus i can speak Portugues so that would come in handy ;)
Italy and Sicily also tops my list......family roots and all
Iraq....best girls ever and good ancient culture
Czaech republic.......My friends told me is mad cool
Colombia....I been there

And the best country of all Is turkey I'm been serious I'm not frm there but I'm seen it's beauty
Been most places in the World that I wanted to go to. Wanna go back to: Kenya, Oz, East Timor, Russia, Poland, Canada, Spain, Czech Republic, Ireland (North & South) and Iceland.
Places I will not go bak to: USA, Falkland Islands and South Africa.


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...Places I will not go back to: USA, Falkland Islands and South Africa.

Meh, can't say I blame you. I'm American and I've really grown apart from my country. I don't wanna start a serious discussion, but I know what you mean. Most of my country--even us Southerners--are that overly friendly anymore. Kinda sad how Xenophobic we are, on so many levels, but alas that is for another discussion altogether.

Anyway next September I'm headed to London for a week with my parents, and then I'm taking the Euro Star train to Paris for a week.

I also wanna visit the South of France (especially Nice and Canes), because of the food & women (the French madseilles are my favourite). Also I wanna see all the Canadian Provinces one day. I just adore Canada and all the Canadians I've met have been super awesome and sweet, and rather down-to-Earth.

I also wanna see the bottom half of the world, but mainly Japan and New Zealand. I love the Kiwis. Great thread we got goin' here ...

- Brandon
Italia. So many places to visit. The ruins at Pompeii, the Venetian canals, Romes, and even though I'm not catholic, the Vatican just to see the Sistine Chapel.


knows petras secret: she farted.
japan and china would be first. in that order.

id also love the uk, eat come fish and chips, have more than a few pints. check out irelands beautiful green country.

then id swing lover to italy and have real pizza, and other tasties. of course rome would be awesome as fuck and the art galleries, oh man. (ex artist!)


I would like to visit all of the places in Canada that I have not visited yet

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North West Territories, Yukon, Newfound Land


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France (it’s ultra-trendy for people in this country, to 'hate' them, so they must be interesting - and intriguing). I'm being facetious, somewhat.