What confounds you?

This has confounded me for years...

Why did Mad Max turn the truck around at the end of The Road Warrior?!?!? He was supposed to be drawing the bad guys as far away from the compound as possible, yet he turns around and starts going back the other way.




Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's Hollywood, DUH!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Oh that's easy Merchant's Lamant Configuration Box, I hear it's supposed to open a portal to hell, but I just can't figure it out.
Why is there an S in lisp?
How are people like Andy Ry and Alexpnz considered people?
What the fuck is wrong with LirkingDurk?
Why are all women crazy?
Why can't I choose what I want, rather than simply wanting it?
Why can't people use their common sense?
Why can't people be happy?
Why do we venerate the bastards who take our taxes to pay for their houses and look down on charity workers, calling them "do-gooders" in scathing voices?
Why do people drink and drive?
Why is rap called "music"?

Why is there an S in lisp?

1. Without the S it would spell a different word that has a different meaning.

How are people like Andy Ry and Alexpnz considered people?

2. They are?

What the fuck is wrong with LirkingDurk?

3. He has a stalker that goes by 'Vodkazvictim'. Stalkers don't like other stalkers.:tongue:

Why are all women crazy?

4. They're from Venus.

Why can't I choose what I want, rather than simply wanting it?

5. You can. Think about it.

Why can't people use their common sense?

6. That assumes everyone has common sense. Can't use what you don't have.

Why can't people be happy?

7. People can but fortunately humans are designed to feel other emotions when necessary too.

Why do we venerate the bastards who take our taxes to pay for their houses and look down on charity workers, calling them "do-gooders" in scathing voices?

8. Perception.

Why do people drink and drive?

See answer 6.

Why is rap called "music"?

9. Because people usually regard most audio arrangements with rhythm to which some can dance to 'music'.
Why is there an S in lisp?
Because that's how it's pronounced. Unless you mean to ask why there's an S in a word used to describe a condition in which a person can't pronounce the letter S. In which case, the answer simple: if you can say it, you don't have one; if you can't, you do.
How are people like Andy Ry and Alexpnz considered people?
I don't consider them or you as people.
What the fuck is wrong with LirkingDurk?
What the fuck is wrong with you? Oh yeah, you're not a person.
Why are all women crazy?
It only appears that way because they are people, you are not.
Why can't I choose what I want, rather than simply wanting it?
Paradox. If you could choose what you want, wouldn't you want what you choose? That's like saying, "I want to want something."
Why can't people use their common sense?
Why can't people be happy?
They can, and they are. But you wouldn't understand that, because you're not people.
Why do we venerate the bastards who take our taxes to pay for their houses and look down on charity workers, calling them "do-gooders" in scathing voices?
Only people who aren't people (like you) do that.
Why do people drink and drive?
Interesting question, given your name. But that's another "people" question you cannot understand.
Why is rap called "music"?
Music is not defined by what is pleasant to one person (or non-person, in this case). It's defined as rhythmic and repeating sounds, which rap does have.
Something serious, and slightly controversial: I once knew a girl who was very vocally pro-abortion, but she thought eating eggs was no different than biting the heads off of baby chicks.

So killing an unborn chicken was worse than killing an unborn child? Seemed rather contradictory to me.
Something serious, and slightly controversial: I once knew a girl who was very vocally pro-abortion, but she thought eating eggs was no different than biting the heads off of baby chicks.

So killing an unborn chicken was worse than killing an unborn child? Seemed rather contradictory to me.

I doubt seriously if you could find a person who is literally 'pro-abortion'. Most people accept that it is a very difficult circumstance for the majority of people to consider such an option ..but they view it as just that...an option not a preference.
I doubt seriously if you could find a person who is literally 'pro-abortion'. Most people accept that it is a very difficult circumstance for the majority of people to consider such an option ..but they view it as just that...an option not a preference.
Alright, "pro-abortion" is a little harsh. How about... pro-choice to the extreme?

I mean, I believe it's every person's right to choose, but this girl was off her rocker.
Alright, "pro-abortion" is a little harsh. How about... pro-choice to the extreme?

I mean, I believe it's every person's right to choose, but this girl was off her rocker.

I understand what you probably meant. Just correcting a commonly uttered misnomer that doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about what it implies.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Paradox. If you could choose what you want, wouldn't you want what you choose? That's like saying, "I want to want something."

Music is not defined by what is pleasant to one person (or non-person, in this case). It's defined as rhythmic and repeating sounds, which rap does have.

Alright, "pro-abortion" is a little harsh. How about... pro-choice to the extreme?

I mean, I believe it's every person's right to choose, but this girl was off her rocker.
You would make your choice of what to want based on logic. EG: I want to be happy. Then you'd have chosen to be happy. Automatic win.

Rap is shit. To put rap alongside real music is unthinkable, think about it.

The girl was probably a "cutist" such people (typically women) don't eat cute animals.
The logic of that will explain why she's pro-abortion if you can stretch your excuse for a mind around it :thefinger:
I understand what you probably meant. Just correcting a commonly uttered misnomer that doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about what it implies.
Yeah, that's true. I know she had at least one abortion before, and she made it clear that if she ever got pregnant (again), she would abort (again). But she wasn't preaching that all women should have abortions, and wipe out the species.
Rap is shit. To put rap alongside real music is unthinkable, think about it.

Translation: vodkazvictim doesn't like rap.

Okay, next.:dunno:
You would make your choice of what to want based on logic. EG: I want to be happy. Then you'd have chosen to be happy. Automatic win.
You said you want to choose what you want. But you say you "want to be happy". Then you are already wanting to be happy. You already want what you want, so why would you choose to change your desire, unless you didn't want it? But you do, so that's a moot point.

Unless you are saying you don't want to be happy, but wish you wanted to be happy (without actually wanting it), I'm not the one whose sense is lacking.
Know what confounds me? Gum. What a fucking disgusting invention.

Hey, I think I'll put something in my mouth and chew loudly for an hour. Clearly everyone in class, on the buss, in the library, walking by, etc. etc. wants to watch and hear me chew.

Fucking disgusting. Why is this shit so popular?


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Why are some people so conceited to think that God is looking out for their own success when that would mean he's ignoring the plights of others?