What confounds you?


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We have a thread about things that piss you off, but what confuses you? Something ridiculous or strange that you can't wrap your mind around. Maybe it's something you're curious about.

Example 1: Why is humpty dumpty an egg? There's no mention of him being an egg in the nursery rhyme, yet he is. W. T. F?

Go ahead.
this thread confounds me...is that a rhetorical question or are we supposed to answer it? are we supposed to post about what confounds us? are we supposed to answer people confusions? :helpme:


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
this thread confounds me...is that a rhetorical question or are we supposed to answer it? are we supposed to post about what confounds us? are we supposed to answer people confusions? :helpme:
If you want, but why spoil the mystery? In fact, don't answer the person's rhetorical at all. If you do then I'll find you.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Except yours?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Because he doesn't want to show his ducky parts to other birds?
We have a thread about things that piss you off, but what confuses you? Something ridiculous or strange that you can't wrap your mind around. Maybe it's something you're curious about.

Example 1: Why is humpty dumpty an egg? There's no mention of him being an egg in the nursery rhyme, yet he is. W. T. F?

Go ahead.

Humpty Dumpty was a cannon that was put on a high tower during the Civil War. He eventually fell off the tower and shattered. All the King's men couldn't repair him. The nursery rhyme depicts the story and Humpty Dumpty is depicted as an egg as a broken egg can't be repaired.

he broke when he fell, so he must have been made of something delicate and fragile e.g an egg shell

Because he is meant to 'break' into pieces and eggs break easily :D

We also used to sing a nursey rhyme at school called Ring a Ring o' Roses although it is widely believed to be about people dying from the bubonic plague during the Black Death



Closed Account
How certain artists will say or do things that to put it nicely controversial. But when they receive an award they thank God.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What has God to do anything with it? I'd thank my family and friends.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Why is there an S in lisp?
How are people like Andy Ry and Alexpnz considered people?
What the fuck is wrong with LirkingDurk?
Why are all women crazy?
Why can't I choose what I want, rather than simply wanting it?
Why can't people use their common sense?
Why can't people be happy?
Why do we venerate the bastards who take our taxes to pay for their houses and look down on charity workers, calling them "do-gooders" in scathing voices?
Why do people drink and drive?
Why is rap called "music"?