What cologne drives women NUTS? Ladies please share for us single guys

Personally, I wear Drakkar Noir, Kenneth Cole Reaction and Cold Water cologne.

I was told today by this gorgeous, professional female the I should get Issey Miyake....stating it lures females big time.

I would love to hear from the FEMALE members...what drives them crazy and what scent lures them. Please share ladies!
Yep, the "magic cologne" that will lure all girls and transform a nun into a filthy whore doesn't exist...

So if you wanna have sex you still will have to seducer girls (or pay for a prostitute).
Drakkar Noir and Cold Water??:confused: I never understood what people liked about those. I'm not a woman, but I've received nothing but compliments for Burberry Brit. Dolce and Gabana Light Blue as well. You cannot go wrong with those.

Will E Worm

It is not on the market because you produce it naturally. ;)

The "magic" scent is called, Pheromones

Although being clean and a nice cologne wouldn't hurt.
Personally, I wear Drakkar Noir, Kenneth Cole Reaction and Cold Water cologne.

I was told today by this gorgeous, professional female the I should get Issey Miyake....stating it lures females big time.

Not a female but I've been using Issey for years and no other cologne (other than maybe Dolce) I've ever worn has consistently brought women to their knees like Issey.

The others you are wearing are (for lack of a better way to put it) probably passe' IMO but if they still work for you....
Sex Panther by Odeon

Is that from Anchorman?

Truthfully, the lighter the scent the better. Do the two foot test. If you can be smelt from more than two feet away, it's too much! It's nice when the scent is NOT noticeable from across the room, but rather when you are close to the person or you on your way far enough, exploring or necking, that you discover little areas that they sprayed, back of the leg, behind the ear, along the wrist. Of course this where you always generate heat and it keeps the scent. You're own 'smell' will sometimes interfere with spray on's so trust your own nose too, if you don't like it chances are the person your trying to attract won't either. When you are trying things remember to wait about two - three minutes to get the full effect of the spray mixing with your own chemistry to see what the smell will evolve into. Don't trust the smell on the person at the counter, it might be different for you.

And personally I like the smell of White Linen, on girls or most of VS's sprays, some are too sweet though. And lately I've been wearing GLow, nice compliments.

On guys, most of the AXE stuff I like. Just one girl's opinion.
I really enjoy that movie, like Paul Rudd too!
AXE -- don't you see those commercials? Women are jumping and chasing that guy all over the place! I mean, come on, commercials don't lie! Buy AXE :thumbsup: Just like TV dictates...
I suppose it's worth noting a fragrance you're wearing being appealing to others is dependent on a few things. How you wear it, your individual skin ph, the moisture level of you skin, whether it's spray or splash, etc.

You individual skin ph is the most determinative factor in how a fragrance will smell on you...unless you put it on your clothes. Generally when people apply fragrances on their body...in proper terms it should be applied to the "pulse points" (chest, wrists and neck). Theoretically the blood flowing at your "pulse points" is suppose to warm the fragrance making it more active and odorous.

If you really want to know if a fragrance works for you, you should apply a small amount to your wrist, wait about 15 mins then ask a few people how it smells.


AXE -- don't you see those commercials? Women are jumping and chasing that guy all over the place! I mean, come on, commercials don't lie! Buy AXE :thumbsup: Just like TV dictates...

They should be sued for false advertising. I found that women perfer a man in uniform
People should know that it isn't a brand of clothes, a brand of cologne/body spray, or any materialistic shit to catch a woman -- or at least the right woman! It takes personality, being yourself, and self respect and dignity to catch a woman!

If you have to have the latest trend, a wallet full of money, and whatever else to impress a woman-- unless they are the same materialistic shallow individual, then they will see right through your facade and want nothing to do with you.

Be yourself, be nice, and don't worry about it so much. The right woman will come along and like you for you, not because you smell like whatever cologne you bought at some store!
People still actually wear Drakkar Noir? Isn't that a little too 1986?

I go with subtle citrus fragrances over stronger, musky scents. I don't want to smell like a closet.