Sam Fisher will never learn if he doesn't have to take his bans like everyone else. I know his is only temporary, so let his ban run it's course. Maybe he will adjust his behavior when he gets back, but I doubt it.
Doubtful. fathomite didn't learn and he's on his
5th ban.
Wouldn't unbanning a troll be a tacit admission of failure on behalf of those within a position of power here at FreeOnes and would thus be 'feeding' such beings - going clearly against well known and practised internet logic?
This line of reasoning puzzles me.
Me as well. Allowing the trolls to be trolls just creates several problems:
1) It runs off good members.
2) It invites others to be trolls.
3) With more trolls, you run off more members.
4) Eventually, the trolls outnumber everyone else and the board dies.
This may seem like a doomsday scenario, but I've seen it happen on a board called General Mayhem. It got so bad on there, I left and never went back.
If they weren't able to follow the rules previously, what makes you think they're going to be able to follow them now? Bring them back, and they'll just elevate their shit until they eventually get banned again. And it will be a lot worse now.
:2 cents:
That's what I've been trying to explain to Petra, but,