What are you reading now?

I think they did put some of the marvel Ultimates series on a disc format.

I think that's a pretty good idea. There are some available for DL, whether they are just one's that people have scanned or otherwise, I don't know. But there isn't a large selection.
The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins). Anyone else read it? Opinions?

It was definitely an interesting read. I enjoyed it, but I've never quite understood the hullabaloo over it. There's nothing particularly original about it. By and large, it's a compendium of other people's arguments, and there are many, many other works just like that.

it's been mentioned a few times on the board. i think the biggest deal about it is the fact that it's richard dawkins. he makes a compelling argument equating belief in god with everything wrong in our society. (i might be guilty of hyperbole here).
if you're an atheist and want ammo in your quest to convert theists, this book is all you'll need (along with a willingness to make enemies).

What I always wanted them to do, but I know they probably never will, was to put all the comics older than a few years in one series on disk so people could go back and read all the old ones on a computer. That way they could take all the Spiderman comics, that came out further back than 5 years ago for example, and sell it for like 50 or 100 dollars or something. I might actually buy something like that, and it would be a lot easier than trying to acquire all the old out of print ones that they aren't going to profit from much anymore anyway.
they did it:

i'm reading the gulag archipelago by aleksandr solzhenitsyn, interspersed with pagan babies by elmore leonard
Yeah, my friend has that and it is awesome. I need to buy my own.

I don't know if you're into DC Comics but they have there own encyclopedia. I have it and it's cool, too (at least if you like DC).

DC is also awesome, definitely gotta get that I got many of the comic encyclopedia's, Spider-Man, Batman, Transformers. Hell, keep em coming. Although I really have to start reading more sophisticated books, to blend in.:wave2:
Blue Nude- Elizabeth Rosner

The artist son of a German soldier in WWII hires the grand-daughter of a Holocaust survivor as his model.
it's been mentioned a few times on the board. i think the biggest deal about it is the fact that it's richard dawkins. he makes a compelling argument equating belief in god with everything wrong in our society. (i might be guilty of hyperbole here).
if you're an atheist and want ammo in your quest to convert theists, this book is all you'll need (along with a willingness to make enemies).

they did it:

i'm reading the gulag archipelago by aleksandr solzhenitsyn, interspersed with pagan babies by elmore leonard

What a tense and intricate read. I had a difficult time grasping it all. Some very valid points, but a seemly one sided view even though all the solid and interesting references.
Dying To Live by Kim Paffenroth.

A bit of good old fashioned Zombie action.


Our Endangered Values by Jimmy Carter

It's actually very good.
I was reading Ulysses by James Joyce, but that was too fucking boring, so now I'm reading a book by a norwegian author.
Satan Burger - Carlton Mellick III,

God hates you. All of you. He closed the gates of Heaven and wants you to rot on Earth forever. Not only that, he is repossesing your souls and feeding them to a large vagina-like machine called the Walm - an interdimensional doorway that brings His New Children into the world. He loves these new children, but He doesn't love you. They are more interesting than you. They are beautiful, psychotic, magical, sex-crazed, and deadly. They are turning your cities into apocalyptic chaos, and there's nothing you can do about it ...
Nonzero - by Robert Wright. Anyone read it? Opinions?

sems kind of interesting. but from the reviews it seems to me that the author asserts that human social models have some thing to do with biological evolution. which I think is nonsense. Of course social conditions effect genetics on the small scale, because people are born and die and genetic patterns are mixed up... but if you took just the genetic traits of humanity for the last two thousand years and put them in a line without the dates, no one would be able to draw a conclusion between that and our historical record. And especialyl as far as the species is concerned, there is relatively no signifigant biological difference between people today and people 100,00 years ago or more.

I can see some debate among whether evolution favors complexity or simplicity, but I think that society has very little to do with it. technology i'd say goes even further and has nothing to do with it. Most species in the past few million years have had little or no technological "advancment". You can even argue against specialization as being a signifigant factor, even though most evolutionists put a lot of emphasis on it. In truth, some adaptations favor specialization and some favor generalization.

Look at a great example of an adapted lifeform: the cockroach. It can thrive in almost any environment and it is a relativley simple organism that hasn't changed much in millions or years, it has virtually no specialization, no technology, and simple society.

or if you really want to look at the champion of evolution it is hands-down the Virus. they are the best adapted and constantly evolving lifeform on the planet.

stupid monkeys with thier SUV's and democracy don't got nothin to compare.