With all the Iron Maiden talk around here lately, I actually woke up this morning with the riff to The Trooper. I figured the riff out & I've been playing that since about 8:30. Gotta love days off!
The Trooper!
Thanks to IAF and Dr.Death.
Deep Purple - Hush
With all the Iron Maiden talk around here lately, I actually woke up this morning with the riff to The Trooper. I figured the riff out & I've been playing that since about 8:30. Gotta love days off!
The Trooper!
Thanks to IAF and Dr.Death.
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!! Me too!:eek:Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Yeah I bought the CD just a few days ago at Hastings! Cool!:thumbsup:kick ass. It was playing on my itunes