^My favourite Maiden song. 9d4ui9q7eDM&ob=av2n
Born2Jizz Aug 16, 2011 #38,682 ^Mine too!! My second fave is Children of the Damned "Flight of Icarus" by Iron Maiden
Ravenholm Aug 16, 2011 #38,690 L3ggy said: Raven, those guys aren't bad. Click to expand... Check out their songs "Midnight Vice" and also "Katana" you'll thank me later
L3ggy said: Raven, those guys aren't bad. Click to expand... Check out their songs "Midnight Vice" and also "Katana" you'll thank me later
Ravenholm Aug 16, 2011 #38,694 More new school Metal doing old school Metal. And once again, they do it well. The vocalist in this band is like a cross between Rob Halford and Udo Dirkschnieder.
More new school Metal doing old school Metal. And once again, they do it well. The vocalist in this band is like a cross between Rob Halford and Udo Dirkschnieder.