Facetious Moderated Mar 30, 2011 #32,304 :sunny:.............................................................................:sunny: :sunny:.............................................................................:sunny:
:sunny:.............................................................................:sunny: :sunny:.............................................................................:sunny:
Born2Jizz Mar 30, 2011 #32,310 It's that time again, folks! B2J's A-Z library of awesome music! :nanner: "Hells Bells" (live '92) by AC/DC
It's that time again, folks! B2J's A-Z library of awesome music! :nanner: "Hells Bells" (live '92) by AC/DC
HeartBroker Mar 30, 2011 #32,314 Paul Gilbert - I Still Have That Other Girl (Some truly beautiful stuff from Paul, who's usually known for shredding lesser musicians to tears)
Paul Gilbert - I Still Have That Other Girl (Some truly beautiful stuff from Paul, who's usually known for shredding lesser musicians to tears)