The Cure live in Japan in 1984, playing "The Top."
mokbel69 Jan 30, 2011 #28,484 Tool! Lots and lots of Tool lately, preparing myself for the concert in a few nights can't farken wait
Tool! Lots and lots of Tool lately, preparing myself for the concert in a few nights can't farken wait
trikenut012 Jan 30, 2011 #28,485 My Darkest Days- Pornstar Dancing, has to do with strippers not pornstars lol
SLEDGE_HAMMER Jan 30, 2011 #28,486 80s music,..reminds me of my 1st grade days,...HA HA
80s music,..reminds me of my 1st grade days,...HA HA
meesterperfect Hiliary 2020 Jan 30, 2011 #28,490 The Mothers of Invention, they brought the Kazoo back into mainstream Rock.