What are you going to do before the May 21st Rapture

Jon S.

I'd like to find a nice crucifix or bible to do it on.
As cynical and rational as I am....and as much as I have a MAJOR disdain for organized religion.....I'm not sure I'm into tempting fate either!

Of course if you do follow through with that plan....make sure you do it as a pay per view on the Internets (sic)....preferably by hacking into a major religious website (I'd suggest Pat Robertson's 700 Club website) to host your pay per view! Hell.....ya might as well get paid in the process!

While you're at it.....might as well sell your own line of "Jesus Christ" toilet paper....with "his" image emblazoned on every sheet! Stupid fuckers will be buying that like hot cakes! Ha ha ha!
I'm going to stand there and watch all of them in their clownsuits and yell "JUMP!! JUMP!! You'll get there sooner.":bowdown:

Ike Stain

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Approved Content Owner
I'm going to stand there and watch all of them in their clownsuits and yell "JUMP!! JUMP!! You'll get there sooner.":bowdown:

That's actually pretty good. I bet a bunch of them will do it too. :bowdown:
Make a deal with Satan

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
O.K., I know I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this but...

Isn't the fact that this guy Camping has gotten the date wrong a couple of time before even more reason to believe that this time he's nailed it?

I mean think about it— just like any scientist he's been able to analyze the errors and correct the formula.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
O.K., I know I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this but...

Isn't the fact that this guy Camping has gotten the date wrong a couple of time before even more reason to believe that this time he's nailed it?

I mean think about it— just like any scientist he's been able to analyze the errors and correct the formula.

You mean, just like any scientist he's had a great theory, hampered only by the fact it was utter bollocks?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
all the water in the Mississippi can cause the tectonic plates to shift a little....

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
all the water in the Mississippi can cause the tectonic plates to shift a little....

So true. So true.

I do, I do ....!!!!

You know what I find interesting, over half of the people I've polled so far have mentioned they'd be taking a massive shit that day. Natural function or sign of the impending destruction to come?
Hubby and I are throwing a party at my Fav bar in the private room. Then at 2 when the bar closes my fam and me are off to florida. :) Good thing I'm not driving.