Crisps & a DC
Fresno Jul 15, 2008 #1,303 minidog said: land n sea(fish n chips) Click to expand... Fish 'n' Chips, Yummy Eggs, Potatoes and Waffles!
minidog said: land n sea(fish n chips) Click to expand... Fish 'n' Chips, Yummy Eggs, Potatoes and Waffles!
B britlover Closed Account Jul 15, 2008 #1,304 Today I went to a local mini mall and got two slices of Sabarro Pepperonni Pizza to go, with a large ice water ...
Today I went to a local mini mall and got two slices of Sabarro Pepperonni Pizza to go, with a large ice water ...
Artimus Jul 15, 2008 #1,305 Cheese-on-toast, scrambled eggs & cumberland sausage. Or and a mug of tea.
D Digital Jul 30, 2008 #1,313 Potatoes with the skin on, Fish, Sprouts, Spinach, Carrots, Swede, Turnip, Onions, Celery, Vinegar, Olive Oil, Pepper, an Orange, a handful of Sultanas, 2 different vitamin tablets & a glass of water.
Potatoes with the skin on, Fish, Sprouts, Spinach, Carrots, Swede, Turnip, Onions, Celery, Vinegar, Olive Oil, Pepper, an Orange, a handful of Sultanas, 2 different vitamin tablets & a glass of water.
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe Aug 8, 2008 #1,320 Finished the meatloaf and potatoes.... -cs™