What Are You Drinking Right Now?

Marijuana Tea


Piping hot Arabica Columbian coffee ... + cream & lite sugar. :yummie:

.. . just before bedtime yet!
Yea, that's it, go to bed wired!:eek:



I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
In honor of St. Patricks Day I switched from Wild Turkey 101 to Jaimson's Irish Whiskey for the rest of the week. W/ a beer chaser. Yes I drink in the AM.
Tall can of Coors Light. :glugglug:

'Atta boy! :D:glugglug: I'd rep you if I could. Hold on I'll write it down so I can remember to in a couple hours when I can rep again.

*I just drank a little Redbull and am now on a 20oz bottle of Coca Cola :D