My wife is my best friend and I am hers. We've changed over a dozen years, but we are still best friends. I know that's why we are still together. We met before we saw each other in person, and I'm sure that helped.
But to be perfectly honest, I might not be with her if she didn't have a hourglass figure. As much as our friendship is the mainstay and majority of our interaction, I am a man, and I selfishly want to get off as good and as fulfilling as I can. And my wife's body does that for me (even before I consider her striking brunette profile -- and then the social aspects).
In all honesty, she became even far more pleasing in bed after we married. Her sexual prowess and forwardness increased ten-fold, and we are both oral (giving-wise) fiends, among other aspects. Every year it just gets better, and I can't explain it.
Now she says I was far better looking than she ever imaged I'd be when she first met me (again, we met and talked for a week before we met in person). I didn't believe her at first, but everyone in her family -- including her older (and already married) sister -- wasn't shy about it. I don't know why, I'm no catch but my wife constantly admits that she might have not gone for me if I wasn't as good looking in her eyes.
Now it helped that I was already successful working nearly full time, even studying engineering full-time at the local university (college cost me less than $10,000 total). She say it showed how hard I worked for what I wanted. I wasn't born with a silver spoon at all (we had food on the table, not very good most of the time, but it was food), and she was definitely poor. I wouldn't love her if she wasn't as intelligent and hard-working as she was and vice-versa, she didn't want a lazy husband.
We're honest about this with each other. We really like each other intellectually, physically, etc... and would be disappointed if we didn't have it. But we are best friends first and foremost, and that's why we stay together -- and we will continue to stay together as we're aging into our 40s and beyond.
She used to totally grope my ass in public way too much, and God knows I was running my hands up and down her hourglass curve when we were in public. Today I still do the same while I'm providing oral on her, having intercourse with her, etc... and God knows she still squeezes and slams my butt into both her oral and vaginal cavities. Both she and I really go nuts when we feel each other's bodies.
Although the most intense experience still remains the "heavy petting" we do while gazing into each other's eyes and -- to use a completely juvenile term that really fits better than you ever know -- sucking some serious face. And when I say "sucking face," you'd think we were two immature, inexperienced lovers -- but in actuality, it's the adventureous use of our mouths and tongues that we both very much enjoy.
I was with a good 50 lovers before my wife -- and she tops in everything, and definitely the comfort and experience -- and the body and beauty combined with her sexual giving is just unparalleled.