What Are Vril Demons: Reptilians, Clones, And Other Non-Human Entities

Return Of The "V"ril - The Eye Of Satan

"Kenneth Johnson has never stopped getting fan mail about the miniseries he created back in 1983, which rattled America with its depiction of cold-blooded authoritarians conquering the world. The invaders in red jumpsuits, dark glasses, and ball caps were actually beings from another planet, but Johnson intended the sci-fi drama to be more than mere escapism. To him, it was a warning."

“To the heroism of the resistance fighters –– past, present, and future –– this work is respectfully dedicated,”
Kenneth Johnson

*Notice the girl at the 0:47 video mark using a touch screen I-Pad. An invention not revealed to the masses until decades later. This is a small indication of how far technology has advanced, in comparison to what the average person knows about.
V series (1983). 83 as the reflection of 38. Indicating a warning of Death.


Vril = Black Eye Club
Soul-Scalping = Droning


Donald Marshall – Allegedly, the Vrill have a proboscis on their exoskeletal spine that shoots a parasitic worm containing the intelligence of the vrill into someone’s eye, then into the brain where it controls them and the vrill gets to experience life as a human, albeit a dumber and more evil human known then as a drone. There are many Vrill in society walking around trying to enjoy life as humans… but they’re detectable… with catscans and other tests- sometimes they have one eye swelled out more than the other due to the “transition” and theyre way more dumb than the original person…. but smarter than normal Vrill… as they adapt to higher intelligence but are still dumb… they have a vacant look, there are medical ways to detect them… drones do a LOT of the unbelievable evils you hear in the world [They] are very loyal slaves… they just like the opportunity to be humans,… they say the quality of life is better…. they become smarter…. like a really dumb guy… and they’re evil child molesters, half turn gay other half are bisexual.


Is Joel Embiid unable to blink with his left eye? pic.twitter.com/TxI3qlNPqH
— Talkin’ Knicks (@TalkinKnicks) April 23, 2024

I hope Embiid is ok, but why this man only blink with one eye? pic.twitter.com/12XZopqCeZ
— Nek (@nekhoops) April 20, 2024


At the 1:45 mark of the video below, notice the "new" Christina Aguilera wearing her "Brotherhood of the Snake" Vril -Ya ring. This signifies that she has been "Droned".





Selena Gomez - in a $1 million Snake Ouroboros Bulgari necklace.
At the 0:08 mark, you will notice the tail shape-shift done while she is wearing the Ouroboros necklace! :omg:This reveal was done at this time for several Numerological Ritualistic reasons.

Cara delevigne wore the same necklace at the Oscars.
* Ran out of space on this post, much more to come on this in the future!:damn:
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Plague of the Triangular UF0’s:

Are they Inter-Dimensional Aliens, Demons, Or Both!?!
Kokomo’s Triangle UFO’s
There is too much info on Kokomo UFO sightings too post it all here. The same basic crafts as those seen over
San Diego and the Kremlin.


Satanic Reptilian Hybrids
Created on Triangular ships and in Alien Underground Bases


"In short the Illuminati are generational Satanic (Reptilian) bloodlines which have gained the most power. A generational Satanist described the Illuminati as "Satan’s elite."

Bloodlines of Illuminati
Fritz Springmeier, 1995


Melania Reptilian Eyes (3:13)
Gematira Indicator

o_O!!Crazy Reptilian Video!!o_O

Predictive-Programming "New World Order" World Domination using Reptilian Alien Hybrids.

The Movie Title and "Vril" symbol are based on the following historical reality.

Vril, Power of the Coming Race

Truth Hidden In Plain Sight.
So funny how the people who see the Reptilian unmasked on TV, still don''t believe it. Similar to many of the people reading this thread. As always, truth can be much stranger than fiction. But with all of the CGI and filters, do you know the truth, when you are seeing it.


"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?"
Matthew 23:33 (Gematria Indicator)

In the video below, notice to begin the film, we see the 3 lights of the Triangular (and/or pyramid) Demon Ship heading towards earth, then we see the Eye Of Horus, and then, perhaps, the Cube of Saturn. All 3 Demonic Indicators as wee see the Reptilian Demons heading towards earth cities, and beginning to execute their demonic agenda.

"The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all… "
Psalm 103:19-21

"Your Kingdom come your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10

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